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Get Involved!

There are many great was that you can support Joggin for the Noggin and the Mary Lea Johanning Scholarship Foundation.

Become a Volunteer

To run smoothly, our race-day event depends on a large group of volunteers. So, if you’re not interested in running or walking one of the courses, or you want to support someone who is, consider becoming a volunteer.

Fill out the form below or email us at and tell us what you interested in doing.


Email Address*

Phone Number

How would you like to help?*

Make a Donation

Maybe you're out of town - maybe you just think that it's a worthy cause - whatever the case may be, Joggin for the Noggin accepts individual donations. All donations are tax deductible (Tax ID: 35-2348896). Also consider asking your employer if they participate in any charitable matches.

Please mail a check to:

Mary Lea Johanning Scholarship Foundation

c/o Mary Johanning, 1704 N 2nd Street, Atchison, KS 66002

or securely use PayPal below to donate. PayPal accepts all major credit cards and you do not need a PayPal Account to donate. Just click the button below and you will be taken through the steps. 

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button


Click here to learn about our 2019 sponsorship opportunities.

The Seaberg Family

The Kujawa Family

The Olathe School Psychologists

The Hardware Store

Willie's Sport Pub

The Eplee Family

SERC Physical Therapy

Exchange National Bank

First Presbyterian Church

Bryd Memorial

Hundley Construction

VanDyke's Grocery

Kansans for Eplee

Atchison CashSaver

Atchison WalMart

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