Get Involved!
There are many great was that you can support Joggin for the Noggin and the Mary Lea Johanning Scholarship Foundation.
Become a Volunteer
To run smoothly, our race-day event depends on a large group of volunteers. So, if you’re not interested in running or walking one of the courses, or you want to support someone who is, consider becoming a volunteer.
Fill out the form below or email us at MaryLea.Scholarship@gmail.com and tell us what you interested in doing.

Make a Donation
Maybe you're out of town - maybe you just think that it's a worthy cause - whatever the case may be, Joggin for the Noggin accepts individual donations. All donations are tax deductible (Tax ID: 35-2348896). Also consider asking your employer if they participate in any charitable matches.
Please mail a check to:
Mary Lea Johanning Scholarship Foundation
c/o Mary Johanning, 1704 N 2nd Street, Atchison, KS 66002
or securely use PayPal below to donate. PayPal accepts all major credit cards and you do not need a PayPal Account to donate. Just click the button below and you will be taken through the steps.